Message from the Director

Improving student success is at the core of Step UP.  Step UP has connected five universities, 10 Boston Public Schools and their leaders, teachers, students, and  parents to improve student performance in a variety of ways.  Step UP’s five university partners offer a wide palette of programs and services, including:

  • Dental and nutritional support for children and families.
  • Mentoring of student athletes.
  • Professional development for teachers in math and science.
  • In-school and after-school tutoring.
  • Leadership coaching for principals.
  • Family activities for parents and caregivers.

They are also developing a process for effectively evaluating the impact of  Step UP initiatives on student achievement. Now in our second year, Step UP is growing up and growing stronger. I want to thank everyone involved for their efforts to improve learning for our children. And I look forward to hearing from you!

Karen Daniels
Executive Director
Two Silber Way
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: 617-358-3236